Changing your Password

Keeping a vault secure relies on a strong, unique password.

Why should I change my password?

Routinely changing your password helps maintain security. A vault password should be unique and not used anywhere else.

You can change your password either at the Prisidio login page, or inside the Prisidio application.

Change your password from the Prisidio login page

You can change your password using these steps for a web browser on a desktop or laptop device.

  1. From the login page, choose the Forgot Password? link.
  2. Enter the email address you use to log in to Prisidio and choose Reset Password.
  3. Check your email inbox and locate the Change your Prisidio password email. If you do not see it in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder.
  4. Select the Change My Password link in the email.
  5. Enter your new desired password and then re-enter that password and choose Reset password. See the helpful information below related to password requirements. 
  6. You should see a confirmation that your password was successfully changed. You can now log in to Prisidio with your new password.

Change your password when logged in to Prisidio

You can change your password using these steps for a web browser on a desktop or laptop device.

  1. After logging in to your vault, select your initials or avatar in the top right corner on the main navigation menu.
  2. Choose Manage My Account.
  3. Choose Login and Security on the left menu.
  4. Select the Password option.
  5. Enter your current password and then enter your desired password.
  6. Click Save. A notification will display that the password was updated successfully.

Password requirements

One of the ways to keep the data in your vault safe is to utilize a strong password for your account. Passwords for Prisidio must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a minimum of 10 characters long.
  • Must be a maximum of  64 characters long.
  • Must contain at least 1 uppercase letter.
  • Must contain at least 1 lowercase letter.
  • Must contain at least 1 number.
  • Must contain at least 1 special character.
  • No more than 2 identical characters in a row.